The French army of the Nineteenth Century is generally considered to have been egalitarian/meritocratic in nature. Indeed, the motto of the French Republic is "Liberte; Egalite; Fraternite". But even after 1789 the French officer class was as class-ridden as ever.
Admittance and Promotion
French Officers were promoted according to the Laws of 1792, the Loi Soult of 1832 and that of 1855 (which referred primarly to Sub-Officers). 2/3s of Officers were to be promoted according to ability whilst the remainder were promoted on "seniority" (which based on length of service, but was affected by many other social reasons).
2. Promotion of officers based on Merit
3. Promotion of Sub Officers based on Merit
4. Volunteers who had influence or favour in a particular regiment.
This latter category is most important: research by Prof. William Serman had shown that of those officers who had been promoted from the ranks, the overwhelming majority had enlisted as Volunteers and were certainly not rankers. They fell into two broad catagories: either too poor to pay for a good education or wealthy but not academically gifted to enter a College. They tended to be promoted through the ranks of the Sub Officers as quickly and as decently as possible, often being Commissioned within two years.
From the Ranks

Promoting from Sergent-Major to Sous-Lieutenant meant the candidate now had to purchase their own uniform; employ their own servant; buy their own meals and even purchase their own coal - all of which had been available gratis as a Sub-Officer!
The majority of Sub-Officers promoted from the ranks tended to get no further than Capitaine (Captain) and gravitated toward the more "professional" positions on the Regimental Etat Major (staff) such as Capitaine Adjutant-Major, Capitaine d'Habillment, Tresorier, Quartre-Maitre etc. Non-executive positions which were largley looked down upon by executive officers as being a trade rather than a rank! It also took longer for a promoted Sub-Officer to attain their next rank (often seven to ten years) due to competition from other, younger, officers and a lack of vaccancies amongst the positions on the Etat Major.
Between 1848 and 1870, some 69% of all Sous-Lieutenants were promoted from the ranks. Of the remainder 24% came from St Cyr and 6% from the Ecol Polytechnique. In general, between 1855 and 1870, promotion from the ranks was as follows:
Infantry.. .. .. 65% of Sous-Lieutenants
Cavalry.. .. .. 69%
Artillery.. .. .. 41%
Train.. .. .. .. ..100%
Intendance.. .. 13%
During the same period, the number of Officers from a "noble" family actually increased, from 6% in 1850 to 11% just after 1870. The Cavalry, naturally, had the highest percentage of "nobles" (16% in 1870) and the Infantry the lowest (5%).

French Officer's pay did not increase between 1789 and the Loi Soult of 1832. It was generally considered to be an honorarium (much as it was in Britain) and that Officer's were of independent means. The poor pay and low status of an Officer in French society meant that it deterred would-be Officers from the Bourgeois and Upper Classes (but see comment about nobles, above). Pay was raised following the Loi Soult, but it did not respond to trends in society: as France, and especially her middle classes, became more wealthy under the Second Empire, the pay of Officers (and therefore status) fell in proportion. It was considered in 1860 that a Sous-Lieutenant - who would have had to have bene well-educated and attended a militry College - was paid the same wage as an accounts clerk in Paris! Low pay and status meant that many of the brightest graduates from the Ecole Polytechnique or from the Ecole de Metz never joined the army and found far more lucrative jobs in "Civvy Street" working for the Department of Bridges and Roads or on the rapidly expanding railways.In the Mess
The most vied-for rank was that of Capitaine, becuase that was the rank at which an Officer could, just about, live off his pay. The officer class was strictly hierarchical: each of the ranks dined together and ate according to their pay and status. Thus all the Sous-Lieutenants dined together and ate farely frugally compared to a Captain and would never have sat at the same table as the Colonel. This was in direct contrast to the British army "Officer's Mess" which treated officers as being part of a single group and class (which they tended to be). Comte Fleury, Colonel of the Guides - who had joined the army as a "Gentleman Volunteer" after failing to enter St Cyr -imported into France the "Officer's Mess". Initially for the Regiment des Guides but later adopted by all the regiments of the Imperial Guard. In many instances, the mess crockery and silverware were paid for by the Emperor (Empress in the case of the Dragons de l'Imperatrice). This created a greater Esprit du Regiment, greater cohesion amongst the officers and marked out the Guard not only as militarialy but socially superior to the Line.
Acknowledge ments: Thanks to M. Jerome Discours for use of his contemporary images. More can be found on his website at: www.
Very nice and instructive article, thanks
ReplyDeleteMerci, Jean-Michel
DeleteSo if the average age of Sous-Lieutenant was 18-22, what would the average age of Capitaine be ?